Restored Connections Family Therapy gladly offers parenting support to our clients. Being a parent can be very, very difficult. As children develop and grow, parents do the same as they recall their own childhood experiences with parents. While there are many models or styles of parenting, there are days it’s just exhausting. That’s normal, by the way! But burnout with no self-care doesn’t work well. And some kids have really challenging behaviors or special needs. Don’t ever think you’re alone and don’t give up. Instead, reach out for some support and care.
For separated/divorced or never married parents who are committed to work together for the best interest of their child or children, we are pleased to offer support using One Heart/Two Homes approach and curriculum. Whether your in a nuclear family, a blended or step-family or are a special needs family–we’re here for you! Our work with individuals, couples, and families can be tailored to specifically address your parenting concerns.
One Heart/Two Homes – Co-Parenting
Living between two homes is difficult. It can be challenging for parents and children alike; however, this challenge can be met when negative outcomes are replaced with healthy co-parenting strategies.
Co-parenting sessions will include, but are not limited to the following:
- Creating a safe place to learn and practice healthy exchanges for communication
- Learning how to navigate schedules and holidays for the benefit of the child/ren
- Exploring the child/rens perspective
- Developing a blueprint for stability and safety
- Discussing and developing a plan as to how to handle critical issues, such as finances and emotional/developmental needs
- Handling the handoff
Broken relationships are never easy, but the road one chooses moving forward to deal with these challenging circumstances can make all the difference in the world for a hope filled, positive future.
One Heart/Two Homes speaks to the resources and information from Co-parenting International used to guide or inform the co-parenting counseling process.